unity3d编辑器 xARM:Aspect and Resolution Master 1.8.2

unity3d编辑器 xARM:Aspect and Resolution Master 1.8.2
新增功能:增加了Unity 2018.1支持






New: Unity 2018.1 support added

xARM is the powerful and easy-to-use solution to get a real preview of your game.
- Preview at device's physical size
- Verify pixel perfectness
- Compare multiple resolutions while editing
- Batch screenshot export

"you'd be thankful you got this in your toolbox. Must buy asset!" - user review

No need to build to a device only to check:
- Is the GUI usable at resolution xy?
- What is the physical size of a button?
- Do the atlases switch correctly?
- Does the translation fit into its space?
- How does a change effect other resolutions?
- Does the player exactly see what was intended?
- ...

With xARM you see everything at a glance.
No need to be daunted by display fragmentation.
xARM yourself.

More info: Video Preview | Forum | User Guide

- Covers all relevant devices of:
iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, WinRT & Standalone
- Preview at physical size and pixel perfect
- Get an overview of resolution popularity, etc.
- Supports uGUI & ALL other extensions
(e.g. NGUI, ...)
- Export screenshots as PNG files
- Huge time and trouble saver, will pay off soon
- No or minimal coding required
- Full source code access (C#)
- Supports Unity & Unity Pro (2018.x, 2017.x & 5.x)
- Much more...

资源名称: xARM:Aspect and Resolution Master 1.8.2

资源版本: v1.8.2

资源类型: .unitypackage

资源大小: 14.3 MB

支持版本:4.0.0 及以上版本



