在这个Adobe Premiere Pro课程中,我们将编辑视频,增强色彩并修复不良音频。
本课程适合初学者。您不需要任何Premiere Pro或视频编辑经验的先前知识。我们将从头到尾一步一步地制作视频。在本课程结束时,您将了解如何获取原始视频文件,编辑它们以及改进其视频和音频元素。您将学习如何添加其他素材以增强任何无聊的视频并隐藏偶然的错误。
This course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge in Premiere Pro or video editing experience. We will make a video together from start to finish, step by step. By the end of this course you will know how to take your raw video files, edit them and improve their video and audio elements. You will learn how to add additional footage to enhance any boring video and hide the occasional mistake.