AE桥接C4D教程 Cinema 4D : Cineware in After Effect


AE桥接C4D教程 Cinema 4D : Cineware in After Effect

Cinema 4d和After Effect都是运动图形艺术家的最佳工具,现在这两款带有新工具的软件已经真正相互融合,这使得运动图形和Visual FX艺术家的生活更加轻松。

Cineware是一个互动插件,允许我们将Cinema 4d项目文件导入After Effects并进行更改,而无需从Cinema 4d获取渲染输出并浪费大量时间。 Cineware支持不同的高级功能,如导入多通道,多摄像机,AE comps相机集成等等......

在本课程中,我们将探讨这个插件,我们将概述Cineware的基础知识和高级主题,这是Cinema 4d和After Effect之间的桥梁。

Cinema 4d and After Effect are both the best tools for motion graphic artist, these two software nowadays with new tools, has really integrated with each other and this makes life of motion graphic and Visual FX artist easier.

Cineware is an interteged plugin that allows us to import Cinema 4d project file into the After Effect and make changes without taking render output from Cinema 4d and wasting lots of time. Cineware support different advance stuffs like importing multipass, multicamera, AE comps camera integration and much more…

In this class, we are going to explore this plugin and we will have an overview of the basics and advanced topics of Cineware, a bridge between Cinema 4d and After Effect.



